

Then you can read the good part.

We want to be as helpful as we know how to be on a web page, and we are glad to do this without charge. In return for this help, please do us the courtesy of relying on the contents of this page to the same extent that you have paid for it. It is hard to keep this page current and accurate. We will be glad to talk to you in person to give you advice that is current, accurate, and applies to your particular situation. There follows the formal, legal disclaimer, AND WE MEAN IT:

Neither by accessing this site or by reviewing its contents nor by engaging in e-mail correspondence has an attorney-client relationship been formed or established; and nothing contained in this site nor in any e-mail shall constitute the giving or rendering of legal advice or be construed as a legal opinion, or guarantee of a particular resolution of a legal problem. Information is provided as a public service, and is not intended to be a substitute for legal counsel. The information provided is general in nature and may not apply to your circumstances, particularly if you do not live in South Carolina. Because some of the information on this site has been copied from other sources without review for accuracy, because the law and other factors change constantly, and because we cannot afford to frequently or thoroughly review material provided without remuneration, there will be inaccuracies in this site. You should not decide to take any action or refrain from action based upon the information contained in this web site nor in any e-mail. Under no circumstances should you make legal decisions based upon the information provided on this web site nor in any e-mail we send. You should consult an attorney IN PERSON before making any important decision involving a legal matter. We do not intend to or wish to communicate with anyone presently represented by an attorney. These pages are only intended to be used by individuals resident in our home state, to the extent it deals with the practice of law. While we would never distribute your name or address, and as a practical matter no one is likely to overhear, by the inherent nature of this medium you cannot be certain that communications with us via e-mail will be confidential. Receipt of e-mail from us does not establish and is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. If we attempt to respond to a question posed in an e-mail, you must realize that the answer must necessarily be a partial and incomplete one, since all of the relevant facts of your situation cannot be known without a thorough in person discussion. A mention of a web site link should not be taken as any sort of endorsement of the content of that site. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of South Carolina as exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes that arise as a result of this site, and an acceptance of South Carolina law and procedure as applicable to that dispute. Nothing at this web site includes any express or implied warranty of any kind even if words at this site state expressly or implicitly that the information is accurate and/or current. We can accept no responsibility for any alleged losses or damages incurred in reliance on the information and data contained at this site. No express or implied warranty is provided for any resource, web page, law, or other data to which this web site refers. We accept no liability for the contents, accuracy, or currency of sites to which this site links or of any site that links to this site. This web site is not a request for legal or other services for anyone. Opinions, views, or positions expressed at this web site should not be assumed to be the opinion, view, or position of Paul McChesney, McChesney & Ours, Carolina Disability, their employees, or anyone else. By including contact information for the above individuals and entities, no representation is made that any of them will respond to any communication or respond to any communication by any specific time or date. There might be a financial or other interest in a commercial product or service mentioned at this web site, which is not disclosed. Nothing at this web site is intended to be understood as the official view of the United States or any governmental entity. This web site has no affiliation with any government entity.