Questions About Specific Disabilities

La Tourette’s Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a relatively rare neuropsychiatric disorder than causes its sufferers to experience physical and phonic tics.  Tics are involuntary movements of specific muscle groups.  It[…]

Joint, Bone, and Muscle Problems

Musculoskeletal can be the basis for disability benefits. However, it is difficult to prove how much you hurt. You usually need to have the strong support of an orthopedist in order to help prove your musculoskeletal problems are severe enough to be considered disabling.

Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis (“IC”) is a very painful condition caused characterized by an inflammation in the lining of the bladder.  The pain and urinary difficulties associated[…]


Incontinence, an inability to control your bowels or bladder, can be the result of any number of medical conditions including neurological disorders, radiation treatment and[…]

Inability to Drive

Inability to drive is not a reason by itself to be approved for disability benefits.  For instance, if a person suffers from a seizure disorder[…]


Hemophilia is a rare genetic disorder that causes an impairment in the blood’s ability to clot or coagulate.  It typically causes excessive bleeding and bruising[…]


A hemangioma is a kind of tumor created by a complex mass of blood vessel cells that become filled with blood. Hemangiomas can be congenital[…]