Mental: Borderline Personality Disorder

Mental: Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are tricky when it comes to getting disability benefits. The reason is that often people who have personality disorders do not acknowledge that their personality disorder is their primary problem, even if they have been told as much by a mental health care provider.

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is a condition that causes ringing in the ears and vertigo.  It can be mild, or it can be so severe that its[…]


Systemic Lupus Erythematous (“SLE”), usually referred to as lupus, is an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation that can affect the internal organs and joints.  It[…]

I Must Lie Down to Rest

Employers expect you to be at your work station. If you cannot do that, you will not be employed for long. Whether or not you are suffering from fatigue or chronic pain, your need to rest lying down will seriously affect your ability to work.

La Tourette’s Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a relatively rare neuropsychiatric disorder than causes its sufferers to experience physical and phonic tics.  Tics are involuntary movements of specific muscle groups.  It[…]

Joint, Bone, and Muscle Problems

Musculoskeletal can be the basis for disability benefits. However, it is difficult to prove how much you hurt. You usually need to have the strong support of an orthopedist in order to help prove your musculoskeletal problems are severe enough to be considered disabling.

Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis (“IC”) is a very painful condition caused characterized by an inflammation in the lining of the bladder.  The pain and urinary difficulties associated[…]